Leagues – 2025

HFTC Competitive Leagues for 2025

The HFTC is offering ADULT members the opportunity to participate in the following competitive leagues for the 2025 season.

To sign-up to participate in any of these leagues/”events” please go to the MEMBERS PORTAL and search the EVENTS page
Club membership is required to sign-up.

ICTA Mixed Majors

High-calibre players with tournament experience are invited for tryouts. Matches are played on Tuesdays from 7 PM. Only players 5.0+ will be considered.
Please register on the member portal and contact the team captain: Sid Jain (sidd_jain@hotmail.com)

ICTA Mixed B

Aspiring players must demonstrate tennis proficiency of 4.0+ and good match-play experience. Matches are played on Tuesdays from 7 PM.
Please register on the member portal and contact the team captain: Elena Osina (elenosina@gmail.com)

ICTA Mixed C

Competitive players of 3.5+ can apply for tryouts. Matches are played on Thursdays from 7 PM.
Please register on the member portal and contact the team captain: Jonathan Lu (jonathancclu@gmail.com)

ICTA 55+ Mixed League

The 55+ Mixed League matches take place on Thursday mornings beginning mid-May, starting at 10:00 AM.
Matches alternate between “at home” and “away” locations. The play schedule is posted on the ICTA Mixed League website:http://www.intercountytennis.com/. “At home” matches alternate between the ‘A’ and the ‘C’ League.

The recommended playing level is NTRP 3.5 and higher. Participants must be born before 1965.

The team captain will be scheduling and confirming matches with team members via email.
If you are interested in participating, please indicate it on your registration form or contact the HFTC 55+ Team Captain: Bernard Assouad (bassouad11@rogers.com)

NYTA 40+ Men’s and Mixed Leagues

The 40+ Men’s and Mixed League matches take place on Saturday mornings beginning mid-May and start at 9:00 AM. Matches alternate between “at home” and “away” locations. “At home” matches alternate between the Men’s and the Mixed teams. The play schedule is posted on the NYTA website: http://www.nyta.org/.

The recommended playing level is NTRP 4.0 and higher. Participants must be born before 1980.

The team captain will be scheduling and confirming matches with team members via email.
If you are interested in participating, please indicate it on your registration form or contact the HFTC 40+ Team Captain: Joe Chin (jchin5701@gmail.com)